How to have a Successful Condition Monitoring Training Experience

Vibration Analysis TrainingVibration Analysis TrainingWith Training funds being difficult to obtain these days it is critical that we do everything possible to have a satisfactory and productive training experience.  This includes evaluating whether it would be more cost-effective to attend a training class off-site (such as at a vendor’s facility) or have the course conducted at your facility.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both. Typically,  if multiple personnel from your facility will be attending it could be more cost-effective to have the course presented in-house at your facility.  This would eliminate travel costs, per diems, etc. for your personnel. If only one or two individuals are attending, then it might be more cost-effective to attend the course off-site at the vendor’s training center.  Also, attending a course off-site may remove you from the internal distractions and interruptions that occur from being in the plant environment during the training course.  When you decide to attend a training course you have the right to expect that the course will be presented in a professional manner by an instructor who knows the material and subject matter.

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