Smooth Energization and Trouble-Free! Energization of Connection Terminals is Restored by Cleaning | News

Even if you have a heart that can efficiently generate power and sufficiently charge the battery, know that the total condition of the electrical system can be greatly affected and changed by the condition of the various harnesses, connectors, and connector terminals that run throughout the vehicle body. While the main harnesses will lose power due to increased resistance, the wiring and terminals leading to peripheral devices and connecting parts should also be thoroughly cleaned when dirt or burns are noticed, and the wiring should be rewired or the terminals replaced as necessary. The condition of the electrical system is an extremely important factor in keeping the car running smoothly.

  1. Before disassembling, let’s take a picture with a cell phone.
  2. Detail condition and parts cleaning
  3. Terminal dirt and cover dirt
  4. Various couplers are available for purchase
  5. Surprisingly useful household detergent
  6. POINT

Before disassembling, let’s take a picture with a cell phone.

The fuse box, which was tightened to the car body, was particularly dirty, so we decided to disassemble and clean it. In order not to make a mistake in the wiring sequence during cleaning and restoration, it is a good idea to take pictures of the wiring with a cell phone camera in advance to avoid mistakes. Have you ever had to disassemble and disassemble a fuse box without thinking about it, and then had a hard time when restoring the fuse box afterward? That is why it is a good idea to take pictures with a cell phone camera in advance.
This is a good time.

Detail condition and parts cleaning

The vinyl tubing on the harness cover was deteriorating and ticking while also beginning to fray and develop holes, so it was replaced with new black vinyl tubing. This tube replacement should make it look much better when finished. Depending on how dirty it is, when it is sticky with oil, first spray it with kerosene or anti-corrosion penetrating spray, then scrub it with a toothbrush to break up the dirt = oil. After that, wash off with parts cleaner, etc., and the dirty parts will be revived clean.

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Terminal dirt and cover dirt

The connection terminal part of the output wiring from the regulator rectifier = the round connector terminal part was exactly bald. It seems that poor terminal contact, moisture, and dust had caused the damage. After a thorough cleaning, both male and female terminals were polished and cleaned. Dirt and corrosion on the terminals can be remedied by using a contact revival spray to improve the energizing condition.

Various couplers are available for purchase

Many of the various wiring couplers (connectors) used in models introduced in the late 70s and 80s can now be purchased as single items. If the coupler is melted by heat due to poor contact, do not hesitate to replace both the coupler and terminals with new parts.

Check out the Various Couplers at Webike

Surprisingly useful household detergent

When it is obvious that the dirt is greasy, it is best to start by breaking up and cleaning the oil.
If the dirt is severe, it is best to fill a spray bottle with kerosene, spray it on, and scrub it with a nylon brush or toothbrush. Once the dirty oil is broken down, the next step is to clean it with a household spray detergent, and finally rinse it off with parts cleaner for an amazingly clean finish. After cleaning, dry thoroughly.


Point 1 – Dirty terminals around the fuse box cause poor energization

Point 2 – Don’t hesitate to replace damaged covers and wiring terminals!

Point 3 – Keep spare couplers and terminals handy in case of emergency

Regardless of whether electrical components “function” properly or not, various harnesses deteriorate more than expected. For example, the main harness is known to be susceptible to damage in the area around the steering head, which moves in accordance with the steering wheel operation. In many cases, harnesses are pulled in parts and used on the verge of disconnection. The neutral light comes on and off. In the worst case, the engine may suddenly stop while starting. The reason for this is that the various power sources in the ignition system and the power wires for the ignition coils are interrupted by steering wheel operation. If the main harness cover around the steering wheel is ticking or there are repair marks wrapped with vinyl tape or the like, this is something to watch out for.

The most frightening electrical system problems are heat generation and fire due to short-circuiting of wiring. When the various terminals of the wiring connections fail to make contact despite the large current flowing through the thick wiring, the contact parts heat up and can burn or melt the couplers and protective covers. In the worst case, the wiring coating may catch fire, resulting in a vehicle fire.

In this maintenance and parts polishing work, the main harness and various electrical components were all removed, and the condition of each terminal and coupler was checked and cleaned before restoring them. There was pain around the fuse box area, and the thick connector cover used for the charging system was clearly burnt. The cause seemed to be that the connector terminals were dirty and had poor contact. If such an area is found, the situation can be remedied by thoroughly cleaning the dirt, polishing the contact areas of the terminals with a wire brush or sandpaper, and applying a small amount of copper-containing power feed grease or other material that prevents electrical corrosion and corrosion when restoring the unit.

Check out Crimped Terminals at Webike
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