KEEN Utility Socks | Review

Keen Socks

KEEN Utility Socks Review

OK, I’ll be the first to admit that socks are usually the farthest thing from my mind (literally), but after I whined about my cheap socks leaving lint balls on my new shoes, Keen sent me a pair of their Utility Socks. All I can say is, wow, I had no idea good socks could make such a difference in the way my feet feel at the end of a day.Keen Utility Socks

I’m going to keep this review short and simple, because there’s no reason to waste your time with a slew of extraneous verbiage. Here, in short, are the reasons I think these socks work so well.

Keen Socks Features

1) Left and Right Design – I’ve never had socks that were designed to fit my left and right foot, individually. The way Keen makes these socks; the way they’re sewn – means they wrap around my foot and have the right amount of room and give in each area.Keen Utility Socks2) Seamless Toe in Flex Zone – This is a biggie, I think. My other socks (the cheapies), have seams along the top of the toe area. No matter how carefully I put them on, they eventually bunch up around and under my toes and become very uncomfortable. The Keen socks stay put all day and don’t bunch. Nuff said.Keen Utility Socks3) Impact Cushioning and Support – The socks are made with extra padding in areas that get more abuse during the course of the day (balls of your feet and heels) and have extra support along the arch and calf.Keen Utility SocksKeen Utility Socks

Keen Socks Opinion

OK, that’s it, that’s all. And while I HATE to compare these socks to “support hose” or whatever it was that my mom or grandma used to wear, it seems to me that it’s the support these socks give my feet that make them feel so good all day long. I’ve stood on a concrete surface for (literally) hours in one spot, and my feet simply feel better and less sore when I’m wearing these socks than not.

They are a bit pricier ($10+/pair) than your run-of-the-mill 6 for $10 tube socks, but they’re worth it IMHO. If you’re thinking about trying these socks, pull the trigger now. I really don’t think you’ll be sorry.

Check price/availability on Amazon: CLICK HERE

For more information from KEEN: CLICK HERE

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