Wheel Alignment: When should be done

The vehicle direction must always be well aligned. In this article we explain when to do the wheel alignment, what are the advantages of doing so, and what are the indicator signs of a misaligned direction. Stay with us!


Wheel alignment

Wheel Alignment should be a procedure that the driver should do with some regularity. Although it is something simple at first, it is actually a much more complex process than it appears.

This process is usually done in workshops through steering alignment machines.

Want to figure out how to do the wheel alignment? Check our article at this link.


The main reason to proceed with the wheel alignment

Starting with the parts wear, wheel alignment is important as it helps to increase tire´s life expectancy and all the parts connected to them, such as the steering system.

As vehicles are being used wheels and their angles tend to bend over.

Wheels misalignment is mainly due to the state of the roads and the daily use.

For example, when a car goes over holes or other deformations on the road, it is important to check the wheel alignment.

Wheel  alignment will cause components such as the wheels and steering system to return to their original state ensuring proper vehicle operation



6 Advantages of wheel alignment

1. Lower fuel consumption

The resistance that the tires have when rolling is reduced so, engine will have to make less effort .

2. Less tire wear

If the tires are not aligned, wear will be uneven and this will cause the tyre to wear out more in certain places. The alignment equals the pressure subjected throughout the tire width leading to a uniform wear.

3. Pleasant driving

A misaligned direction will move the vehicle to one side and consequently the vibrations will increase. With an aligned direction these problems are solved and you can have a pleasant

4. Defensive driving

An aligned direction allows the driver to focus on what really matters. Instead of being worried with the vehicle you cam be focused in what drivers do.

5. Increased suspension Lifetime

The suspension is the component that absorbs all road imperfections. If we put it to a greater effort with a misaligned direction, it will certainly have problems soon.

6. Increased power steering system durability

The steering system is connected directly to the wheels. The smaller the effort with an aligned direction, the better it will be for the longevity of the system.



Symptoms that you need to do a wheel alignment

  • Steering is not centered with the wheels direction
  • Vehicle tends to moto to one side of the road
  • Unstable vehicle on a road in good condition.
  • Tires ‘squeaky noises when changing direction.
  • Uneven tire wear.
  • “Heavier” steering wheel.

When should I do the wheel alignment?

For any service maintenance check the manufacturer’s manual. If in the manual there are indexes recommended by the manufacturer, they should be followed.

However, if there is no reference it is recommended that you do so within 20,000 kilometers or every 12 months.

Wheel alignment  usually coincides with the tires replacement. If the vehicle requires anew tires you can take advantage of the situation and do both in on step.

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