Top 5 Things That Can Invalidate Your Burglary Insurance Claim – IKS

Claiming on home insurance after burglary doesn’t always go smoothly. As a London Locksmith I see situations where insurance companies won’t honour a claim regularly. 

If you have been burgled and then find out that your insurance won’t pay out for the items stolen it is a real kick in the teeth!

There are some common reasons why this may happen. I would like to share these with you so that you can plan to make sure that you comply with your insurance policy requirements. If not your insurance premiums paid are worthless. Furthermore you can plan to avoid becoming a victim of burglary in the first place!

What can Invalidate an Insurance Claim After Burglary

These are all factors that not only make you more of a target for burglary but also cause problems when claiming contents insurance after burglary. I will start with the seemingly obvious reasons and move onto the perhaps less obvious….

1) The Wrong Locks or Not Using Your Insurance Approved Locks!

I feel like I labour the point about insurance approved locks and that it often falls on deaf ears! You would be surprised how many people I know who have insurance approved locks but are not in the habit of not locking them.

I feel the need to shout from the roof tops….


Sorry now I’ve got that off my chest…

a) Having the wrong locks will undoubtedly mean that your home contents policy is not valid.

b) Not locking your insurance approved locks every time you leave the house also invalidates your home insurance policy. If not locked up properly when you are burgled, you have big problems!

insurance approved lockinsurance approved lock

It’s something I see happen a lot. This very basic security measure could prevent you becoming a victim of burglary in the first place. Read about What Are Insurance Approved Locks here.

I’ve said it many times, make sure that each key-holder is in the habit of locking the deadlock religiously.

2) Not Using Window Locks

As window security locks installation specialists we know how important it is to have key operated locks on all windows and to lock them. There are locks for all types of windows including sash window locks. You can read more about window security here. Needless to say, windows left open are a complete no!

sash window lockssash window locks

3) Social Media Posts – Sharing Too Much Information Online

Believe it or not your social media posts can invalidate a home insurance claim. Some insurance companies take this into consideration. Intruders are using online posts as a research tool more and more. If you give too much information away, you are effectively advertising your home as empty! From a security perspective sharing your movements online is risky business.

burglary and social mediaburglary and social media
Image by Sean MacEntee via Flickr

You can read about How To Protect Your Home While on Holiday here.

Also consider that your insurance company may require notification if you are due to be away from home for a longer period, always check the small print.

4) A New Cat Flap or Other Changes to Your Door Not Detailed on Your Insurance Policy

Would you believe a new cat flap could invalidate your home insurance claim? If you make any changes to your door which could be deemed to have a bearing on security levels it is vital to update your insurance company. Other changes might include……

cat flap securitycat flap security
Image courtesy of Stephen Hanafin

5) Building Works Not Communicated to The Insurance Company

Having work done to your home can significantly reduce your security levels. It is important to inform your insurance company of construction work or home improvements. Changes to the property will be taken into consideration when making a burglary claim. Having work done on a property does make it vulnerable. You can read our post about securing your property whilst carrying out building work. An important factor is to consider who has copies of your keys and change your locks when the project is complete.

planned works at homeplanned works at home

For more tips on how to keep your property secure read our Ultimate Guide to Burglary Prevention.

Have you been turned down for an insurance claim after burglary? We would be interested to hear your story.

We are MLA approved specialists in fitting insurance approved locks in London. At IKS we also install bespoke high security grilles and safes for those looking for high security. If you would like to check that your locks meet insurance policy requirements, or ask us about anything security related, call us.

How can we help you?

For professional security advice and information call to speak directly to Martin, our Master Locksmith and security specialist.

0203 284 1045
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